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Dr Alysson Wann

Your Oncologist

Dr Alysson Wann is a FRACP qualified Australian trained medical oncologist with a special interest in breast and genitourinary cancers.


She is involved in the rapid access breast service at Waverley Breast Care, is an internationally published researcher and continues to be actively involved with cancer research and medical education.  She is involved in the Eastern Health genitourinary & breast clinics and multidisciplinary meetings. 

Dr Wann understands that a new cancer diagnosis is concerning and commits to seeing her patients promptly. She strives to guide her patient's cancer journey with compassion and understanding while providing the latest effective treatments.

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Contact Me

Ph: 03 9116 4730       F: 03 9116 4739

357 Blackburn Rd, Mount Waverley VIC 3149

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The Answers You’ve Been Looking For

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Home: FAQ

Where can I receive treatment?

What to expect at the first consultation

Dr Wann has admitting rights at various hospitals across Melbourne including Waverley Private, Epworth Eastern & Epworth Richmond.

Generally day admissions for cancer treatment or inpatient admissions for being unwell into hospital are covered by health insurance, including all doctors fees. Please clarify this with your insurance provider, as there are rare exceptions.

This consultation usually takes 30-60 minutes. You are welcome to bring in a support person(s) and it is encouraged to ask questions so that you are comfortable with the discussions and decisions.



Dr Wann will endeavour to see patients at the earliest opportunity and can prioritise urgent cases if reception is contacted.

Can I get a same-day appointment?

Do I need a referral?

It would be ideal to get a referral so that the relevant medical information is passed on and in order to obtain the full Medicare rebate for your consultations.


A referral from a surgeon or specialist lasts for three months.


A referral from your GP specialist can either be 12 months or "indefinite".

What are the fees?

Consultation fees are based on the duration and complexity of the consultation. Generally they follow the AMA and MBS fee structure with a small gap incurred.


A Medicare rebate is available with a valid referral.


Please contact the rooms for further information. 

COVid 19

Alysson is continuing to see and treat patients during COVID-19 restrictions.


She encourages patients and GP’s to get in touch so that she can help streamline your investigations and management.


If any of the following apply to you, please contact the rooms before your appointment:​

  • have had close contact with anyone who has tested positive to COVID-19

  • have any of the following symptoms: 

    • fever

    • cough

    • shortness of breath

    • sore throat


Alysson offers phone or telehealth consultations if needed. Medicare rebates may apply. 


Remember to practice regular hand hygiene and together we will stay safe and well during this uncertain time.


©2024 by Dr Alysson Wann.

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